Contact / MembershipContacts:Chairman: contact the Chairman Graham Bonner by email at chairman@buntingfordcivic.org.uk
BCS Secretary: contact the BCS Secretary Carol Noble by email at secretary@buntingfordcivic.org.uk Would you like to join the Society or become actively involved in our work? If so please complete and return one of our membership application forms. An application form for local residents is available here, and a postal membership form is available here. More InformationTo find out more about Civic Societies and how they interact with other local, regional and national organizations, click on the following links:Please note that the Buntingford Civic Society has no control over the content or security of these external web sites. The Buntingford JournalFor all matters regarding the editorial content, including submitting an article for publication, updating details in the diary or promoting a local event please contact the Editor, Anne Wright.For all matters relating to commercial advertising, please contact the Journal Advertising Coordinator Keith Edwards. The Buntingford Journal is published by, but is editorially independent of, the Buntingford Civic Society. All members of the Buntingford Civic Society receive a copy of the Journal, either hand delivered for local members or via post for non local members. An application form for local residents is available here, and a postal membership form is available here. Web site:Any comments, bugs or non-working links related specifically to the web site, please email the web master at: webmaster@buntingfordcivic.org.uk |
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